Thursday, July 17, 2008

We're famous

We've been finding things to do this summer even though not too much is actually on the calendar. Over the weekend, we were at a local festival and ZhuZhu had her first snocone. It was orange flavor. The boys came home with two goldfish - great for when the pond is finished. Tuesday, we went to a local county 4-H fair to see the cousins show their cattle. ZhuZhu was most impressed by the other animals and didn't care too much about the show. However, cousin John, she was recognizing you in the show ring.

That is one fuzzy chicken!

Hey, this goat is trying to eat my shoe (well, actually it is my brother's old shoe bacause mine are all too pretty to be wearing at the fair).

We even have time to blow bubbles.
We had our first check at Riley yesterday. I was surprised ZhuZhu could walk out of the clinic after they drew so much blood. She wasn't very cooperative when they wanted to poke at her, but we know her lungs are functioning well.

Today and tomorrow, our local radio station is running a human interest story regarding our adoption. You must remember, this is small-town America. Link here to see and hear our story. Vince will be on tomorrow so I will link his story then.

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