Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're still here

Hi, It's been a BIG while since we have posted. I believe life just got in the way...
Today, marks our 3 month "back home" anniversary. There has been a lot happening...

First, the Olympics! We were ready on 08/08/08 at 8:08am.

and 8:08 pm.
We all watched in amazement at the opening ceremonies, except Lara. She didn't seem to want anything to do with it (or the television, for that matter). China really put on a nice show! As we saw many of the points of interest highlighted throughout the Games, we could say "We've been there". The boys watched most of the Michael Phelps' races and were ready to set their own swim records - it was very motivational. After the Olympics were over, it was a withdrawal for all, but we really needed to catch up on some sleep!
We took a day trip to the IN state fair and then to Santa Claus, IN for some great fun at Holiday World! We ran into one of our travel families while we were there - Hi, Jie and family! This is a small world!

The boys started school. It was pretty uneventful, but Lara was really missing them. We starting counting down the days until her preschool starts and learning the calendar.
Oliver is all-day this year. Some days really drag by for Lara especially if we don't go anywhere. She plays with Legos and the dinosaurs, will occasionally watch a Chinese video and really enjoys crafting "projects" with paper, glue, tape, scissors and markers. She can be entertained for hours with her projects.
We had a visit with the D family and Deborah was open to giving Lara her first and much needed haircut. It turned out adorable - no more stringy ponies!
The haircut was in time for Lara to start school. She truly enjoys her preschool! She goes 3 day/week for 2-1/2 hours each day. Her teachers are wonderful and are helping her adjust. She enjoys being with other children her age. I don't think she ever experienced being with too many other children before since she resided in foster care in China. Her backpack will probably wear out before she gets big enough to wear it!

Labor Day weekend we spent in Michigan. Lara was able to meet many of her aunts, uncles, cousins and of course, Grandpa G! It was nice to get into the lake and have some fun!

We attended our first event with FCC as we attended the Harvest Moon celebration. The kids had a ball! The corn maze and moon cakes were a hit!

That was a very brief rundown of what we have been doing. Like I said, life happens...
Lara continues to amaze us! Her English improves every day. You cannot believe how much she has developed in these 3 short months! She is still rather shy around strangers and enjoys playing quietly by herself, with her brothers or with one or two others. She can dress herself - a huge accomplishment! She is recognizing letters and their sounds and wants "homework" to practice writing (we'll see how long that lasts). We still have our moments, but they are few and very rare. We thank God for this blessing that he has bestowed upon us.


Lost and Found said...

Thanks for the update! Lara's haircut is adorable and I am so glad she is enjoying pre-school. Emme LOVES daycare which really is more like pre-school and is learning so much. We're already thinking of attending the picnic next year so we can see everyone who we miss.

Judy said...

Hey Marcy,
Thanks for updating. You have a nice family. Is it too late to send a quilt square?

Aurelie said...

we love you all!!!