Friday, June 20, 2008

How many girls can fit on one bicycle?

Woke early today and had breakfast in hotel - the bacon right along with the noodles and rice. Did some shopping for bottled water. It is very smoggy here and is pretty warm and humid. Looked for Olympic t-shirts but was not willing to pay $30 for one. That will have to wait for a while.
Had lunch at a Schlotsky's deli. Not too adventurous for lunch but we were also running short on time as we had to meet our guides, Tracy and Grace, in the lobby at 1pm. Our motorcoach took us to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.
So much history in 110 hectares! It would be quite boring to listen to all the details. So suffice it to say that we were able to walk where only the emporer was formerly able to walk and that everything is built around the principles of Taoism (ying/yang, feng shui, and the five elements).
There was an Olympic countdown on one of the museum faces just off Tiananmen Square. You can't tell from the photo too well, but there are 49 days left until opening day. This clock counts down to the second. It was very cool!
It is amazing all the building and roofs that make up the Forbidden City! Plus all the brick pavers that line the courtyards. Not just one layer of bricks, oh no, but 15! And they didn't do that just for fun, according to our guide, Grace. It was done to keep intruders from accessing the palace from the ground!

Our travel group in Tiananmen Square just outside the Forbidden City south gate.

Some of the rooftops in the Forbidden City.

After this wonderful tour, we went to an acrobatic show. This was SPECTACULAR and very similair to Cirque du Soleil. And in answer to the question in the title, have you guessed? The answer is 12! Yes, twelve ladies on one bicycle. One pedaling and the others hanging from the side and on top to create a beautiful fan-shaped pattern. We were not allowed to take photos but it was brilliant. There were several acrobatic performances - men twisting and jumping through hoops, balancing acts and contorsions of the body that made me wince. Just how can a body do that?
We are all very excited for one in our travel group, Lisa, who was to receive her little girl tonight at 10:30 pm. And, today is Lisa's birthday. Congrats to you! We can hardly wait to meet your daughter.
We are, of course, excited as well, since we will be meeting Lara on Monday. Now, Vince is already asleep and I must hit the sack soon since we need the rest to climb the Great Wall tomorrow. Ye hao (good night).


Judy said...

Cool blog, Marcella

Brenda said...

This is a great way to keep everyone updated on your trip! I enjoyed reading it.

Brenda E said...

Ni hao Marcy and Vince,

I am enjoying this so much! Lara is absolutely beautiful. Enjoy your visit to China and congratulations!

Brenda E.